Sunday, February 13, 2011

Gone Conching...

Since our fishing efforts have yet to yield any 'edible' results and since our one attempt at lobstering was also fruitless - or is that lobsterless, we have decided to try out the sport of conching.

Perhaps a bit more our caliber, conching requires little skill. To successfully go conching you must (1) locate a beach with plenty of conch shells, (2) snorkel, wade, swim, dinghy, or through whatever other means seek out the shells with a full lip. These are the shells which are mature and available to harvest. Ah ha - I think we can handle this!

On our first attempt - yield = 5 conch vs. 6 conch limit - not bad!!! Dinner is served! Well perhaps not immediatly served because once you have the conch, you mush get the meat out of the shell, skin it, clean it and then cook it. As Admiral, I've opted to limit my conching efforts to the search and harvest. Cleaning, I've opted to leave to the Captain.

Nonetheless, we've had great fun, learned a lot, had a great meal and most importantly - have finally been able to put a fishing permit to use!!!

The Admiral

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