Monday, March 7, 2011

Georgetown - At Last!!!

We made it - finally - to Georgetown!!! Known as the winter cruiser playground, Georgetown hosts about 350+ boats each season. The community, while the largest in the Exumas, is small but has everything a cruiser needs - water, fuel, provisions, hardware, internet and ice cream!
Our arrival coincided with the start of the two week Cruiser Regatta which includes lots of activities. We've opted to keep participation rather low key as this is our first visit. We've enjoyed the weather seminars and several of the infosessions. We've left the more 'entertaining' events to others and have very much enjoyed just observing. One such event is the coconut harvest - in which teams paddle out to coconuts launched in the harbor and race to collect them . Understand, of course, that your paddle is a swim fin and you are limited by having to wear an inflated PFD. Furthermore, I think many of the participants may have been rum impaired. Nonetheless, fun was had by all.

Somehow, two weeks has past. We can hardly believe we've been here that long but we have. So it is time to move on. Our next stop is the Acklins islands. We will be out of touch for several weeks but hope to have some great photo footage - both above and below sea level on our return.

The Admiral

Photo 1: Around Georgetown

Photo 2: The Anchorage

Photo 3: Entry to Lake Victoria

Photo 4: The town Dinghy Dock